온라인 회원 명부

Charter (2013-2018) Standard Chartered Bank, Korea
Writer Admin Date 2017-01-12 14:40 Hit 8,227

The largest foreign direct investor in Korea’s financial services industry, Standard Chartered Group.


We operate in some of the world's most dynamic markets and have been for over 150 years. More than 90 percent of our income and profits are derived from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. 


We provide a wide-range of products and services for personal and business customers across 68 markets. 


Our income and profits have more than doubled in the last few years as a result of our geographic focus and commitment to our customers. 


We’re one of the world's most international banks with over 1,700 branches. 


The Group offers exciting and challenging international career opportunities to over 88,000 staff.  

번호 제목 로고 날짜 조회수
Notice 차터 Charter (2012-2016) Novelis Asia Limited 17-01-25 13,696
Notice 차터 Charter (2013-2018) Standard Chartered Bank, Korea 17-01-12 8,227
Notice 차터 Charter (2014-2016) Mahindra Korea 14-03-19 8,672
Notice 차터 Charter (2010 -2016) Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Co., Ltd. 13-12-04 66,031
Notice 차터 Charter (2011-2016) SsangYong Motor Co.,Ltd. 12-03-28 7,666
42 차터 Charter (2014-2016) Mahindra Korea 14-03-19 8,672
41 법인 Corporate (2011-2014) Yongjin Environment Co., Ltd. 13-12-04 869
40 법인 Corporate (2011-2013) TBI Korea 13-12-04 922
39 법인 Corporate(2013) Mahindra Satyam 13-12-04 835
38 차터 Charter (2010 -2016) Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Co., Ltd. 13-12-04 66,031
37 법인 Corporate (2013-2016) Columbian Chemicals Korea Co., Ltd. 13-12-04 2,168
36 법인 Corporate (2013-2016) State Bank of India 13-12-04 1,695
35 법인 Corporate (2013-2016) Glovane Co., Ltd 13-12-04 1,233
34 법인 Corporate (2013) Daeheung Rubber & Technology Co., Ltd. 13-12-04 858
33 법인 Corporate (2013-2015) Tiger Corporation 13-12-04 1,098
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