온라인 회원 명부
Corporate (2013-2016) Glovane Co., Ltd | Writer | 관리자 | Date | 2013-12-04 00:00 | Hit | 1,234 |
Glovane Co., Ltd is a leading supplier of highly-integrated and low-power Digital radio receiver SoCs, and field-proven softwares including data service middlewares. Making high quality and better digital radio reception environment is our goal with anticipative market detecting through presenting digital radio enabled SoCs and its key technologies.
Glovane Co., Ltd has been founded as a Digital Radio SoC company, and we will continuously provide our products and technical support to the customers.
Glovane has unique and competitive algorithms and s/w platform that have been independently researched and developed in order to supply its tailored chips & solutions to customers in proper time by their requirement.
Glovane is increasing its range of DAB market with digital radio receivers in consumer market and car audios in automotive market. Glovane also establishes its partnership with global supply chain such as module makers, audio makers and car audio OEM/ODM manufactures in Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China.
Recently, as the ‘First’ company who developed Dual DAB receiver chip in the world, Glovane is extending its business to DRM SoC & module for DRM market in India. With differentiated technologies & understandings to the market, our DRM solution will be a major boost in India.
Headquarter is located in Gyeonggi, Korea and the China office is in Shenzhen.
Glovane Co., Ltd |