Categories & Benefits


Membership Amount
CHARTER 10,000,000
PLATINUM 5,000,000
GOLD 2,000,000
SILVER 1,000,000


ICCK Membership Benefits & Services
Charter (10,000,000 KRW / Year)

Charter membership will be granted to a business entity or an association that is domiciled in India or Korea and will receive certain privileges and recognition with respect to online/ oine promotion and branding as set out by the Board. These privileges include a seat on the Board and the designation of (one of the) “Governor.” regardless of the election of each year. Charter members can also nominate “alternative” members to attend meetings in place of the designated member.

- Free Advertisement opportunity : 1 page free - Annual Report
- Free Advertisement opportunity : 1 page free - Members Directory
- Designation of (one of the) “Governor"
- Advertisement Emailing Service to ICCK database once per year
- First priority seating in head table with Senior Ocials and Major Corporations
- Logo exposure at ICCK events and on all publication of ICCK
- Priority Invitation to events as VIP Guests
- Logo exposure on main page of ICCK website
- Page / prole in members directory
- Eligibility to vote
- India Bulletin (monthly)


Corporate 3 (5,000,000 KRW / Year)

Corporate 3 membership will be granted to a business entity or an association that is domiciled in India or Korea and will receive certain privileges and recognition with respect to online/oine promotion and branding as set out by the Board.

- Free Advertisement opportunity : 1 page free - Members Directory
- Advertisement Emailing Service to ICCK database once per year
- Priority seating in ICCK events
- Logo exposure at ICCK events and on all publication of ICCK
- Priority Invitation to events as VIP Guests
- Logo exposure on main page of ICCK website
- Page / prole in members directory
- Eligibility to vote
- India Bulletin (monthly)


Corporate 2 (2,000,000 KRW / Year)

Corporate 2 membership will be granted to a business entity or an association that is domiciled in India or Korea and will receive certain privileges and recognition with respect to online/oine promotion and branding as set out by the Board.

- Advertisement Emailing Service to ICCK database once per year
- Priority seating in ICCK events
- Logo exposure on main page of ICCK website
- Page / prole in members directory
- Eligibility to vote
- India Bulletin (monthly)


Corporate 1 (1,000,000 KRW / Year)

Corporate 1 membership will be granted to a business entity or an association that is domiciled in India or Korea and will receive certain privileges and recognition with respect to online/oine promotion and branding as set out by the Board. Other India-related community representatives or individuals who have an interest in the Korea – India business relationship.

- Priority seating in ICCK events
- Logo exposure on main page of ICCK website
- Page / prole in members directory
- Eligibility to vote
- India Bulletin (monthly)


Community Representatives (200,000 KRW / Year)

Other India-related community representatives or individuals who have an interest in the Korea – India business relationship.

- India Bulletin (monthly)