India Bulletin

India Bulletin February 2021
Writer Admin
1. Artificial Intelligence: Global scenario versus Indian landscape
2. What it takes for global fintech products to succeed in the Indian market
3. India Extends Production-Linked Incentives To Pharma, IT Hardware Sectors
4. India To Offer $640 Million In Incentives To Solar Manufacturers
5. Manufacturing for the world - A bold Budget adds to the momentum

*Please click the attachment in below.

1. 인공지능: 글로벌 시나리오 vs. 인도 상황
2. 글로벌 핀테크 제품이 인도 시장에서 성공하기 위해 필요한 것
3. 인도, 제약, IT 하드웨어 부문에 생산 연계 인센티브 확대
4. 인도, 태양광 제조업체들에 6억 4천만 달러 인센티브 제공
5. 전 세계를 위한 생산 - 과감한 예산으로 모멘텀을 더하다

*첨부파일 참조
File India Bulletin Feb 2021- ENG.pdf(479K)
File2 India Bulletin Feb 2021- Kor.pdf(471.3K)

No Subject Writer Date
35 India Bulletin September 2021 Admin 21-10-21
34 India Bulletin July 2021 Admin 21-09-06
33 India Bulletin June 2021 Admin 21-07-29
32 India Bulletin May 2021 Admin 21-07-01
31 India Bulletin April 2021 Admin 21-05-27
30 India Bulletin March 2021 Admin 21-05-13
29 India Bulletin February 2021 Admin 21-03-30
28 India Bulletin January 2021 Admin 21-02-24
27 India Bulletin December 2020 Admin 21-02-03
26 India Bulletin November 2020 Admin 20-12-23
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