How get information on the Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited and the Special Economic Zones (SEZ)? | ||||||
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Each State of India has an affiliated organization specifically designated for promotion and coordination of industrial development and investments in the state, often called the State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited.
Each of the 'State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited' has its own dedicated website which has detailed information which may be accessed for further details.
For example, Maharashtra State Industrial Development Corporation (located at its capital at Mumbai) has been declared as the official agent of the state government. It was established to develop industrial complex for balanced regional development in Maharashtra.
In this regard, it carries out various business related activities; including Acquisition and disposal of land, Provision of infrastructure facilities and Provision of services.
More information on these and related subjects can be accessed from the State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited website.Further , there were over 205 of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) currently active and in service all over the country as in February 2016, offering special packages for export oriented companies. Information on SEZs can be accessed at http://www.sezindia.nic.in/index.asp |
Each State of India has an affiliated organization specifically designated for promotion and coordination of industrial development and investments in the state, often called the State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited.
Each of the 'State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited' has its own dedicated website which has detailed information which may be accessed for further details.
For example, Maharashtra State Industrial Development Corporation (located at its capital at Mumbai) has been declared as the official agent of the state government. It was established to develop industrial complex for balanced regional development in Maharashtra.
In this regard, it carries out various business related activities; including Acquisition and disposal of land, Provision of infrastructure facilities and Provision of services.
More information on these and related subjects can be accessed from the State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited website.Further , there were over 205 of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) currently active and in service all over the country as in February 2016, offering special packages for export oriented companies. Information on SEZs can be accessed at http://www.sezindia.nic.in/index.asp
Services of Pan Card involve online application. For detailed information, refer to the website of Income Tax Departmentat http://www.incometaxindia.gov.in/Pages/tax-services/apply-for-pan.aspx)
**Application for PAN through Online Services
PAN Online Portal:
https://tin.tin.nsdl.com/pan/index.html or http://www.myutiitsl.com/PANONLINE/D
Documents Required:
Business Registration Certificate
All certificates must be notarized by local Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Attestation of Document by Embassy of India to Seoul
Document Requested:
Original Documents and a Photocopy (or Photocopies) of the document.
Authority letter in case the person concern cannot come to Embassy
Generally it takes around 20 days to receive your PAN card
You can search customs duty rates athttp://www.eximguru.com/indian-customs-duty/default.aspx. Import tariffs and other duties are revised by the Government of India in the annual budget every year. For Tariff classification and products specific rules under Korea-India Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement(CEPA), refer to the website of FTA Portal at http://www.customs.go.kr/kcshome/ftaportalkor/ftaTrtyManage/ImportTariff.do?layoutMenuNo=30739
KITA and Kotra provide credit risk assessments and reports on buyers in India at http://kr.tradekorea.com/buyercreditinformation.doandhttp://www.kotra.or.kr/kh/service/KHSBFM047M.html?MENU_CD=F0283&TOP_MENU_CD=F0261&LEFT_MENU_CD=F0283&PARENT_MENU_CD=F0267
For ‘Dealer Credential Check’ service, refer to the website of government of India at http://autho.dvat.gov.in/frmDealerDetails1.aspx.
For checking company’s statusby verifying its tax payments including VAT and exercise duty, refer to the website of Central Board of Exciseand Customs Department (CBEC) at https://cbec-easiest.gov.in/EST/AssesseeVerification.do
Refer to the websites below. Region, product category or keyword search services are available.
on various articles of CEPA can be accessed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Free Trade Agreement website http://www.fta.go.kr/main/
Additional information on the latest details of Customs,
Articles of CEPA, other agreements between India and ROK can also be accessed
by clicking at the Agreement signed Section.
on the articles of CEPA, tax rate and point of origin details, macan also be
accessed at the Korea Customs Service, Free Trade Agreement website http://www.customs.go.kr/kcshome/site/index.do?layoutSiteId=ftaportalkor
on the schedule of the main exhibitions in India can be accessed from the
Embassy of India website http://www.indembassy.or.kr/
by clicking at the Exhibition Section.
on various Exhibitions in India can also be accessed from the Trade India
website http://www.tradeindia.com/TradeShows/
Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, New Delhi website http://www.kotra.or.kr/KBC/newdelhi/KTMIUI010M.html