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India Korea Defense Summit - Core competence of Indian Defense Industry by Brahmos
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1. 일시 : 2013년 10월 29일 (화요일) 15:30~20:00

2. 장소 : 킨텍스(KINTEX) 제 2전시장 301 & 302호 (경기도 고양시 일산서구 대화동 2600)

3. 참 가 대 상 : 인도 방위산업 관련 기업, 단체, 정부기관 책임자급 이상

4. 주최: 주한인도상공회의소(ICCK), 한국방위산업진흥회(KDIA)

인도방위산업연구개발원 (DRDO: Defense Research & Development Organization of India)

5. 후원: Bharat Dynamics Limited, Bharat Electronics Limited, L&T Group, TATA POWER SED

6. 프로그램

Time Content/ Topic Speaker
1530-1600 Registration & Networking  
1600-1605 Opening Address Mr. Parth Sharma, Vice Chairman

Indian Chamber of Commerce in Korea
1605-1610 Welcome Address

H.E.Mr. Vishnu Prakash

Ambassador of India to Korea
1610-1625 Core competence of Indian Defense Industry Dr. A Sivathanu Pillai, DS &CC R&D and CEO, BRAHMOS
1625-1640 Evolving Technology Partnership

-Opportunities to partner with DRDO
Dr.Avinash Chander

Scientific Advisor to Minister of Defense & Secretary Defense R&D
1640-1650 Special Address

for India-Korea Defense Cooperation
Commissioner of DAPA(TBC)
1650-1705 Guest of Honor: Special Address Hon’ble Raksha Rajya Mantri

(Minister of State, Defense)
1705-1720 Coffee Break  
1720-1735 Corporate Profile and

areas of Partnership Ⅰ
Mr.Rahul Chaudhry

CEO of Tata Power SED
1735-1745 Corporate Profile and

areas of Partnership Ⅱ
Mr.MM Handa

GM, Missile Systems, Bharat Electronics
1745-1800 Corporate Profile and

areas of Partnership Ⅲ
Mr.Jayant Patil

VP of L&T
1800-1815 India Partnership Case Samsung Techwin
1815-1830 India Success Story Mr. Ahn Y T

CEO, Kangnam Corp
1830-1845 Coffee Break  
1845-1855 Offset Provisions & Technology Acquisitions by DRDO through offsets Mr. S. Radhakrishnan

Director, Industry Interface & Technology Management Services Interactions,

1855-1900 Q & A  
1900-1910 Closing Remarks Chairman of Korea Defense Industries Association (KDIA)
1910-1915 Vote of Thanks Col. Ajay Chandpuria, Defense Attache

Embassy of India to Korea
1915 onwards Dinner