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43rd Speaker's Forum
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The Indian Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ICCK) hosted the 43rd Speaker’s Forum entitled ‘The COVID Shock: Economic Update’. The event was moderated by Mr. Jeremy Everett, Committee Chair of ICCK (Senior Tax Counsel, Yulchon LLC) and featured speakers from major banking & Auto Industry. Dr. Chong Hoon Park, Head of Economic Research Korea, Standard Chartered Bank Korea and Mr. James Liu, Managing Director, Novelis China/VP- Automotive, Novelis Asia.


The event begun with welcoming remarks from Indian Chamber of Commerce in Korea Chairman, Mr. Sachin Satpute, who gave the insights of the recent impact on the Korean and global economy and what are the current trends in the Asian Auto Market and how it has impacted the auto industry due the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.


Both the speaker’s had given the insights of the current Economic Update as well as the Auto Industry market after the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.


Dr. Park gave the brief scenario of the following topics which consist of the current economic update of the following countries China, US & Europe and South Korea also he gave a brief understanding of the Global Credit Market and Financial Market. Mr. Liu as the second speaker who described the current trends in the Asia Auto Market and its impact of COVID-19 on the Auto Industry and shared the knowledge of the Asia auto market overview and the following specific countries such as Mainland China, South Korea, Japan & India.


As this was the first Speaker’s Forum conducted through the online platform by Indian Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ICCK). The ICCK’s Speakers Forum event is held twice/thrice times a year with discussion themes conceived by forum members to understand and tackle issues. Whether it is updates from expert speakers, details about the specific industry or economic update, or simply networking. ICCK efforts to facilitate to stay up to date with industry developments and to focus on the issues affecting your area of business. 


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