[Interview] Interview with Chairman Vasudev Tumbe of Indian Chamber of Commerce in Korea | Writer | Admin | |||
ICCK’s mission is to foster economic development, enhance quality of bilateral trade
Answer: The Comprehensive Economic
Partnership Agreement (CEPA), which came into force on January 1, 2010,
provided the impetus to form a Chamber of Commerce in Korea to represent the
interests of Indian businesses and advocate positions that would enhance
commerce between the two countries. At the behest and encouragement of the
Embassy of India in Seoul and members of the Indian community in Korea, Korean
supporters of a strong India/Korea partnership, the Indian Chamber of Commerce
in Korea (ICCK) was formally established in January 2010. Question: First of all, please introduce
the activities of the Chamber, including it's history, organization and main
ICCK’s affairs are managed by a Secretariat
under the guidance of board of Governors with strong support from the Indian
embassy in Korea.. From a modest beginning, ICCK’s membership base is expanding
steadily every year & is now poised to grow at a faster pace thanks to the
interest shown by Korean businesses in the India opportunity. ICCKs’ vision is to play a vital &
valuable role in the economic development & trade promotion between India
& Korea. ICCK’s mission is to foster economic
development & enhance quality of trade between India & Korea through: Development: Promote Indian investment in
Korea & Korean investment in India that leads to economic & cultural
development. Awareness: Share business information on India
to Korean businesses & on Korea to Indian businesses. Advocacy: Advocate & support trade
policies that increase commercial relations & improve quality of trade
between India & Korea on behalf of stakeholders ICCK serves as the nodal organization to help
state & provincial governments and businesses in India and Korea to
maximize economic and cultural opportunities. ICCK arranges meetings for Korean
businesses when state government delegations come from India. ICCK also
arranges Speakers’ forum, net-working events & the annual Diwali Ball
giving our members various opportunities to network. The goal for this year is to create more awareness to increase the number of members, arrange business meetings with government delegations & other networking events. Q: Please introduce the ICCK's major
achievements and contributions to the Korean industries for enhancing economic
ties between Korea and India. A: India is the fastest growing large
economy in the world today with a population of 1.3 bn. The current government
is taking various steps to enable ease of doing business & attract foreign
investment. There is a growing interest of Korean businesses to know more about
India & also state delegations from India are coming to Korea to present
their case. ICCK has a big role to play in this
scenario, by serving business information, holding seminar or events and
broadening the network of Indian and Korean companies. Many companies ask for
the information of business partners or route for extending their business to
the other country. It is too early to quantify the benefits but I can add that
in 2017, bi lateral trade between Korea & India increased by over 25% after
being stagnant for last 2-3 years. A: India’s 2.5 trillion USD economy which
is growing at over 7% comprises of 15% agriculture, 31% industry including
manufacture & 54% service sector. Make in India’ is the most ambitious
program launched on September 25, 2014 by the Prime Minister of India to
encourage multinational, as well as domestic, companies to manufacture their
products in India. Boeing, Airbus Group, Fiat Chrysler
Automobiles, Ford, Hitachi, Lenovo, Foxconn, & many others, have committed
to participate in Make in India. Kia Motors has committed to invest more
than 1 bn USD to set up a car manufacturing plant in India. Also, Indian government has eased the
regulation for FDI to attract foreign investment to India. Below are some
indicators for the improving investment climate: a) India has jumped 30 places in the Ease
of Doing Business Rankings b) Since 2013, 5.3% points improvement in
India’s investment grade compared to 0.4% for all countries. c) As per EY attractiveness survey, India
is ranked no. 1 among the three most attractive markets for investment in the
next three years by the investors. Overall, 70% of respondents from companies
with revenue above US$ 2 billion said they plan to expand or relocate
manufacturing facilities to India in the next five years. The Goods & Services Tax Act introduced
in July 2017 is a major tax uniform aimed at simplifying various taxes into one
by consolidating & ensuring an item has one rate of VAT across the country.
This will go a long way in enhancing trade as well as compliance. There is also a focus on Digital
development which will enhance transparency. There is a slogan ‘no more red tape, only
red carpet’ for foreign investment. Q: What industrial sectors are attractive
to Korean companies wanting to invest in India? A: The Indian Government has identified 25
key thrust sectors, such as Auto components, Automobiles, Biotechnology,
Chemical, Defense Manufacturing, Electrical Machinery, infrastructure like
roads, ports, railways, Food Processing, IT, Leather, Mining, Textiles and etc. Currently over 500 Korean Companies which
are in India are mostly located in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Bengaluru
and Chennai. We have to consider which sectors each state is focusing on. For
example Telangana state, they focus on IT Hardware, Plastics and Polymers,
Textiles, Life Sciences and Precision Engineering. Whereas Tamil Nadu state, focus
on automobile and Computer hardware & software sectors. In fact, Korea has strong capabilities in
many of these sectors like automobile, electronics, chemicals, defense, ship
building, construction, etc & hence it is a great opportunity for Korea. Q: What is your view of further
strengthening the economic ties between India and Korea. A: Although Hyundai, Samsung & LG have
done well in India & are household names, Korean businesses have not been
confident of the business environment in India. Especially the Posco incident is fresh in
everyone’s mind! But Posco has moved on & set up a smaller project in
another state. What gives me confidence now is the current
Indian government’s initiatives & tax reforms which has already started
attracting lot of investments. Kia’s plan to set up a car manufacturing
unit will mean more auto parts suppliers will follow. Korea Plus is a one stop shop set up in
2016 to facilitate opportunity assessment, partner/location search, policy
guidance, etc. in India. ICCK is spreading awareness of the India
opportunity by conducting seminars, arranging meeting with government
delegations. I am sure all these steps will help to
enhance bi lateral trade between the two countries. I strongly feel Korea has the required
capabilities to succeed in India & if they don’t go to India, someone else
will! by Choi Nam-Seok, vice chairman of The Korea Post media / edt@koreapost.com
http://www.koreapost.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=6283 |
No | Subject | Writer | Date |
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