India News

SpiceXpress, Delhivery to start commercial drone delivery pilot project in 3-4 months
Writer Admin

Air cargo firm SpiceXpress along with e-commerce logistics platform Delhivery will build drone delivery capability in the country and the pilot project is expected to start in the next 3-4 months.

Both the entities -- SpiceXpress and Delhivery -- have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to this effect, according to a joint statement.


항공화물업체 스파이스익스프레스(SpiceXpress)와 전자상거래 물류배송업체 델리버리(Delhivery)는 인도내 드론배송 역량 구축을 위해 3~4개월 내 드론배송 시범사업을 시작할 예정. 두 업체의 공동성명에 따르면 스파이스익스프레스와 델리버리는 해당 취지의 양해각서(MOU)를 체결했다고 함.