India News

India may see U-shaped recovery only by August, say experts
Writer Admin

India’s economy could begin to recover only by August, experts said, forecasting a ‘U-shaped’ turnaround from the slump caused by the second wave. Economic activity will likely continue at current low levels for next two months before gaining pace, they said. The government expects revival will take place earlier. 


전문가에 따르면 인도 경제회복은 8월부터 U자형 으로 회복될 것이라 전망. 특히 이번 2차 유행으로 중산층 피해가 가장 커 바로 회복하기는 힘들것이라는 분석. 따라서 작년보다 회복기간이 더 소요될 것으로 전망.


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