인도 뉴스
IT sector meets FM Arun Jaitley for a Non-taxing Budget | Writer | Admin | Date | 2016-12-14 13:07 | |
The technology sector, in a meeting with
finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday, asked for better taxation policies
and norms this budget, in the software and hardware, including addressing the
issue of credits related to the equalisation levy that has been a cause of
concern for startups since it was announced in the last budget.
In the meeting the software services
industry body National Association of Software and Services Companies
(Nasscom) and hardware industry body MAIT had a positive discussion with
“We had a good meeting where we brought out the
concerns of IT industry and how the government can support the industry at a
time when it is passing through a difficult time,“ said R Chandrashekhar,
president of Nasscom.
The main areas Nasscom focused on are
improving ease of doing business, increased incentives for R&D, issues
surrounding GST and taxation issues that plague startups.
In order to encourage R&D and
innovation, the industry has asked for the provisions existing in Income Tax
Act to be made applicable to the IT industry as well.
Chandrashekhar further said that government
should provide ease of doing business for startups and small and medium
“Currently safe harbor margins which allow
companies to do away with taxes in case of uncertainties regarding taxation.
But those margins are currently extremely high. We have suggested they be bro
ught down to more realistic levels,“ he said.
Chandrashekhar reiterated the need to
relook GST. “GST is a major concern for services sector and while it is good
for the country as a whole, for intangible services like IT it is hugely
problematic. Every issue relating to provision of service, valuation, tax intra
company supplies are going to be major galleries. In face of global challenges
will complicate life even more,“ he said.
Other suggestions include specifying the
roadmap for reduction of corporate tax from 30% to 25%, addressing the anomaly
that resident investors are taxed two times foreign investors and address the
issue of carry forward losses benefit not being available if it is dilution of
equity. It also asked for clarity on scope and coverage of transactions under
equalisation levy, which is being passed on as a cost to customers and
MAIT made four suggestions extension of
concessional duty benefits to all IT agreement goods; list of computer premise
equipment such as wireless access points, USB adapters and wireless access
controllers to be included under the excise duty concession scheme, or
preferential rate of GST at 12%; harmonisation of IT product lists across
central and state indirect tax jurisdictions and establishment of convergence
cell to provide impetus for the ICT sector.
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