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웨비나- Trademark Protection and Enforcement in India
Writer Admin Date 2023-09-21 16:35 Hit 108

The Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICCK) and K&S Partners hosted a webinar
about Trademark Protection and Enforcement in India featuring Mr. Ashish Chang
Marbaniang, Senior Partner respectively at K&S Partners.


Main Topic: Trademark Protection and Enforcement in India


Sub Topics: 

(1) Brief on IP Protection in India – legal framework, Legal framework
& independence of judiciary etc.

(2) Some important features of Trademark

(3) Enforcement of Trademark Law with case examples – Civil, Criminal,
Customs, (4) Trade Secrets


1. Date: Wednesday, 23 February 2022 

2. Time: 2:00 pm (KST) | 10:30 am (IST)


Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/hWVu-sf6rYM