온라인 회원 명부

Corporate (2010-2013) Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction co., Ltd.
Writer 관리자 Date 2012-04-01 00:00 Hit 733
Mr. Geewon Park President & CEO 대표이사   Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction has been contributing the Korea's economic development by localizing technology, producing castings & forgings, and building power plants and desalination plants for customers inside and outside the country for more than four decades. In the process we have elevated the reputation of Korean-built industrial facilities worldwide. Moreover, we have applied our technology and know-how to emerge as a major engineering, procurement & construction (EPC) contractor. Our work in the power generation and water desalination markets has been well received, and we have achieved a substantial performance record in these areas. We have stepped our research and development of original Boilers technologies as well as new technologies for eco-friendly Boilers, wind power generation, fuel cells and IGCC. Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction today is applying some of the world's best technology and unsurpassed quality to emerge as a major world player that also continues to advance the Korean plant industry. Moreover, our ongoing drive to eliminate defects and our "customer-first" policy enable us to provide services and products of ever-higher quality and to raise customer satisfaction constantly. Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction co., Ltd.  
  • description: EPC contractors for plant projects inside and outside the country
  • 100% Korean owned
  • Number of employees in Korea: 6000 employees

번호 제목 로고 날짜 조회수
Notice 차터 Charter (2012-2016) Novelis Asia Limited 17-01-25 13,698
Notice 차터 Charter (2013-2018) Standard Chartered Bank, Korea 17-01-12 8,229
Notice 차터 Charter (2014-2016) Mahindra Korea 14-03-19 8,676
Notice 차터 Charter (2010 -2016) Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Co., Ltd. 13-12-04 66,035
Notice 차터 Charter (2011-2016) SsangYong Motor Co.,Ltd. 12-03-28 7,669
22 법인 Corporate (2011-2016) Cactus Communications Co., Ltd. 12-04-01 1,337
21 Corporate(2011) ATN Global LTD. 12-04-01 762
20 법인 Corporate(2011-2016) Wevio Inc. 12-04-01 766
19 법인 Corporate(2012) Korea Telecom(KT) 12-04-01 740
18 법인 Corporate (2010-2013) Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction co., Ltd. 12-04-01 733
17 법인 Corporate (2011,2013-2015) TAESUNG ACCOUNTING CORPORATION 12-04-01 792
16 차터 Corporate (2012-2014) WIPRO Korea Ltd. 12-04-01 765
15 차터 Corporate (2011) Dong-kyung Pharm.Co,Ltd 12-04-01 771
14 차터 Corporate(2011-2013) Samsung C&T Corporation 12-04-01 798
13 법인 Corporate (2011, 2015-2016) Tata Consultancy Service 12-04-01 1,272
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