온라인 회원 명부
Corporate (2016) INKO CONSULTANT | Writer | 관리자 | Date | 2015-06-05 00:00 | Hit | 870 |
Company Profile INKO Consultant is an export import agency which specializes in connecting buyers and sellers all over the world.
Located in South Korea, we mainly help manufacturers in South Korea to export their products and services to customers in India, and assist Indian manufacturers to find their importers in South Korea.
We also provide our clients with reliable information on markets in both South Korea and India to make them have better advantages in their business sectors.
Human resources INKO Consultant is based on a team of people who have affluent experience in international business above all.
We also make the most of our international network consisting of experienced professionals, and continue to be committed to developing our business network to give our clients the better satisfaction with our support.
Core Objectives The aim of INKO Consultant is to make it possible for our clients to achieve a global competitiveness and sustainable business success by helping introduce their products and services to the global market. |