온라인 회원 명부
Community Representatives (2013-2016) French Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Writer | 관리자 | Date | 2014-04-01 00:00 | Hit | 1,214 |
The FKCCI is a non-profit association founded in 1986.
It is a member of the worldwide network of French Chambers of Commerce abroad (CCIFI), which counts 113 chambers in 82 countries and represents more than 32,000 companies around the world.
FKCCI has over 345 members, including the majority of French companies in South Korea, and Korean companies that have business relationships with France.
Its aims to:
∙ Promote bilateral trade and investments between France and Korea ∙ Contribute to the development of relations between the French and Korean business communities ∙ Act in the commercial, economic and financial interests of FKCCI Members and generate interactions with key institutions and organizations based in Korea ∙ Support French and Korean companies in their approach and trade development on the French and Korean markets ∙ Develop communication actions to increase the visibility of FKCCI Members and promote exchanges between France and Korea.