온라인 회원 명부

British Camber of Commerce in Korea (BCCK)
Writer Admin Date 2016-12-15 09:12 Hit 1,163
The British Chamber of Commerce in Korea (BCCK) is an organisation that represents the business interests of its members in Korea. The Chamber represents a broad spectrum of British, international and Korean companies, which all share significant commercial interests in the country. The Chamber also works together with the British government to promote British trade, commerce and investment in Korea and to encourage business development between Korean and British companies.

번호 제목 로고 날짜 조회수
Notice 차터 Charter (2012-2016) Novelis Asia Limited 17-01-25 13,693
Notice 차터 Charter (2013-2018) Standard Chartered Bank, Korea 17-01-12 8,224
Notice 차터 Charter (2014-2016) Mahindra Korea 14-03-19 8,670
Notice 차터 Charter (2010 -2016) Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Co., Ltd. 13-12-04 66,029
Notice 차터 Charter (2011-2016) SsangYong Motor Co.,Ltd. 12-03-28 7,664
72 법인 Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Korea 16-12-29 1,258
71 법인 British Camber of Commerce in Korea (BCCK) 16-12-15 1,163
70 법인 Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Korea (CanCham Korea) 16-12-14 1,225
69 법인 Corporate(2016) KB 국민은행 16-11-10 1,440
68 법인 Corporate (2016) Space Group 16-09-21 1,240
67 법인 Corporate (2016) Yoon & Yang LCC 16-08-25 1,304
66 법인 Corporate(2016) Bujeon 16-07-26 1,211
65 법인 Corporate(2016) SIS 16-05-17 852
64 법인 Corporate (2016) DHR International Korea Limited 16-04-29 946
63 법인 Corporate (2016) Kim & Chang 16-04-28 1,244
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